Reviews and press

Jack Canfield and Dr. Smith
“A must-read for any parent struggling with a colicky or extremely fussy baby. Here is comfort in the knowledge you are not alone and there is help available.”
“At last, a parent who has the courage to write a raw, authentic account of what it’s like to have a newborn with colic. Kristine Smith reveals the true challenges of coping, treating and eventually bonding to a fussy baby.”
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Take a look at what Amazon readers have to say about The Essential Crying Baby Book.
Dr. Kristine Smith in the news
Families Online Magazine
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The Essential Crying Baby Book Review
See what Nonfiction Book Reviews had to say about The Essential Crying Baby Book.
Book Dr. Kristine Smith
Looking for a research-based expert on topics like maternal health and wellness or infant colic? Dr. Kristine Smith is available for speaking and media engagements. Let us know how we can help.